Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Still Alive

Yes, I know it has been a long time since I have posted. What do you expect, it is summer. Work and trying to keep the grass under control has been the priority.

Ok, so I haven't really had the urge to write either. If you are like me you haven't had time to do much more than think about hunting. I have been looking at getting the trail cameras out and trying to get some pics of bucks in velvet. I have been seeing a doe and fawn around the house. One day while mowing the fawn and doe walked within about 50yds. of me. That got me a little stirred up. I haven't seen any velvet myself, but a friend told me he had seen a buck sporting velvet a few days ago.

I have been getting the itch to try some new stuff on my bow. I have been looking at changing arrows and going to a whisker biscuit rest. I have shot Easton 2314 XX78 Super Slam arrows for several years now, but they are just as expensive as carbon and I am thinking about changing over. My last go with carbon left me less than impressed. It was somewhat early in the carbon arrow revolution, I tried using the Beman Hunters, they had the sleeve on the outside for the tips to screw into. The first deer I shot with one I never found and the arrow was splintered in the middle. I probably had hit bone and that shock caused the arrow to splinter and loose all it's energy. The new technology and designs are much better now.

I haven't taken any time to call coyotes either-not for lack of wanting to, I just haven't taken the time.

The Illinois dove season should open September 1st. I will be taking some time for that. There are several wheat field around this year and I have been seeing quite a few dove on them already. I hope I have as good a time this year as last. My father joined in dove hunting for the first time and I think we both enjoyed downing a few birds.

That's enough random thoughts for now, hopefully I can put together a more thoughtful and usefull post next time.

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