"To: DNR, Lawreception
Subject: IL vs Diggins clarification.
With the recent IL Supreme Court decision in Diggins, in wich the Court's opinion declared the center console of a vehicle a case, is the Illinois Wildlife code 520 ILCS 5/2.33(n) affected by this ruling?"
The response from IDNR:
The Diggins case only affects the Unlawful Use of Weapon section in the criminal code. It does not affect the wildlife code. The definition of a case is well defined in the wildlife code, so hunters must still abide by the firearm/bow casing law under the wildlife code. The definition of a case under the wildlife code can be seen on page 6 of the following link; http://dnr.state.il.us/admin/pdf/season_dates.pdf The case law under the wildlife code can be read on page 9 & 41 of the same link.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Officer Roy Maul
IDNR Law Enforcement
Springfield, Illinois"
Now the question is, when does a person go from a hunter to a non-hunter?
If I choose to keep a pistol in the console when I drive to and from the area I hunt, will I be charged under Wildlife code?
please, these chicken cops have way too much unsupervised time and most courts throw their bogus citations out.