Wednesday, October 14, 2009

IDNR Police still going to ticket hunters for uncased weapons.

The question I asked the IDNR:

"To: DNR, Lawreception
Subject: IL vs Diggins clarification.

With the recent IL Supreme Court decision in Diggins, in wich the Court's opinion declared the center console of a vehicle a case, is the Illinois Wildlife code 520 ILCS 5/2.33(n) affected by this ruling?"

The response from IDNR:


The Diggins case only affects the Unlawful Use of Weapon section in the criminal code. It does not affect the wildlife code. The definition of a case is well defined in the wildlife code, so hunters must still abide by the firearm/bow casing law under the wildlife code. The definition of a case under the wildlife code can be seen on page 6 of the following link; The case law under the wildlife code can be read on page 9 & 41 of the same link.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Officer Roy Maul
IDNR Law Enforcement
Springfield, Illinois"

Now the question is, when does a person go from a hunter to a non-hunter?

If I choose to keep a pistol in the console when I drive to and from the area I hunt, will I be charged under Wildlife code?

1 comment:

  1. please, these chicken cops have way too much unsupervised time and most courts throw their bogus citations out.


Keep it honest, to the point, and civil. Most of all keep it pointed in a safe direction.