Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Depressing First Season

Did your opening weekend look like this?

I didn't see a deer all weekend.  To much of this stuff!

I also feel that EHD may have had some impact in my area. We had an outbreak in '07 that seemed to take quite a few  deer.  I don't know if there is an accurate way to determine how many died of EHD or not.  I haven't seen any numbers from the IDNR on this.  One guy I talked with said he had observed several deer around a pond near his property in '07.  Most of the deer he observed appeared to be mature deer found dead or showing signs of illness.

Most hunters I talked with have seen fewer deer this season, but it is likely because of more corn to hide in this year.  Yet, I can't help but think the EHD in '07 killed several of the deer that would have had fawns that would have been at the age class we would be seeing the most of this year while hunting.

I am hoping many acres of corn are harvested before the next season.

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