Monday, April 7, 2008

Hypothetical Setup

I have been reading many opinions on calling coyotes. It seems some guys use only mouth calls, some only electronic, and some use both. I purchased an H.S. Strut diaphragm call for turkey and have been messing around with it. I have been able to produce some decent sounds with it, but they seem a little loud. I am hoping to get to the field soon and try it.

Most of the stuff I read uses some type of distress call. I have no doubt that would bring coyotes looking for an easy meal. Rabbit squeals, squirrel calls, and small bird sounds seem to be the norm. Most guys warn about calling to loud or to long, so I will have to keep that in mind.

I have heard some electronic calls that sound good to me, but I am not trying to fool me. I like the idea of setting an electronic call up down wind and behind me. If I put myself between where I believe the coyotes to be and the call, I hope they will pass by looking for the call.

In this setup, I suspect they would come to the point in the field before crossing. I may be wrong, but this is my best guess. Time and trial will tell.
These are some random thoughts about setup and calling.

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